Tara Shears – 2016

Tara Shears joined the LHC Beauty experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in 2004, where she started a programme of electroweak physics – seeking answers as to why there is so little antimatter in the universe.
Lars Bulien Tjøgersen – 2016
Petter Amundsen – 2016

Listen to Petter Amundsen tell us about the mysterious Mr W. H. in Shakespeare’s works – and maybe he will even let you on to a little secret… The closest thing you get to a modern-day ’Indiana Jones’, Petter has travelled far and wide in the quest for lost knowledge and to ensure its preservation […]
Pellegrino Riccardi – 2016

Pellegrino Riccardi has spent the last 30 years travelling the globe as an international keynote speaker. His style is a seamless fusion of masterful storytelling and observational humour in what he calls “edutainment” (education + entertainment). “I don’t just want my audiences to understand my message; I want them to feel it too.” Listen to […]
Siv Harstad – 2016

Norwegian adventurer Siv Harstad was a survivor of Nepal’s 2015 earthquake. As a Mount Everest summiteer, she is known for her unlimited source of courage, enthusiasm and ability to transform challenges into achievements. Listen to the amazing talk from this professional adventurer and her journeys from the TEDxArendal stage. Siv has worked internationally with many […]
Even Moland – 2016

Did you know cod has feelings? And how much do we really know about the life and fate of marine animals? Marine biologist Even Moland’s research has taken him around the world, from the Great Barrier Reef to Skagerrak, Norway. In studying the behaviour and movement of fish and lobsters – how they live, where […]
Kristine Ullaland – 2016

Social anthropologist Kristine Ullaland speaks about the Zero Waste movement – what it is, why it matters, and why YOU are the key to our future!
Kristin Oudmayer – 2016

Kristin Oudmayer is behind UNICEF Norway’s advocacy program «You can be The One» and is a public speaker and columnist. She is a sought-after lecturer on mental health, bullying and social media. She also advocates for children’s rights and expresses the importance of adults as role models. Her articles and opinion pieces have been published […]
Rita Westvik – 2016

Social worker, journalist, presenter, political adviser and foresight expert – Rita Westvik is a woman who wears many hats. Rita’s slogan is: KISSSS – Keep It Simple, Smart, Safe, and Sustainable! Rita likes beautiful green buildings, trendy street-level bars and creative chefs – you get the picture. A true believer in ”the birds and the […]
Dr. James Beacham – 2016

Dr James Beacham is an experimental high-energy particle physicist with the ATLAS Collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. He spends his time sifting through the largest unique dataset in human history, looking for exotic Higgs bosons, dark photons, gravitons, dark matter, extra dimensions, quantum black holes, and answers to the most baffling open […]