Dive into the world of TED and TEDxArendal

TED – Technology, Entertainment & Design

TED is a non-profit organization that believes powerful ideas, powerfully presented, move us: to feel something, to think differently, to take action.

The two annual TED Conferences invite the world’s leading thinkers and doers to speak for 18 minutes or less.

These talks are made available for free, at TED.com.


TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, but today it spans a multitude of worldwide communities and initiatives exploring everything from science and business to education, arts and global issues. 

In addition to the TED Talks curated from our annual conferences and published on TED.com, we produce original podcasts, short video series, animated educational lessons (TED-Ed) and TV programs that are translated into more than 100 languages and distributed via partnerships around the world. Each year, thousands of independently run TEDx events bring people together to share ideas and bridge divides in communities on every continent. 

Through the Audacious Project, TED has helped catalyze more than $3 billion in funding for projects that seek to make the world more beautiful, sustainable and just. In 2020, TED launched Countdown, an initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis and mobilize a movement for a net-zero future, and in 2023 TED launched TED Democracy to spark a new kind of conversation focused on realistic pathways towards a more vibrant and equitable future. View a full list of TED’s many programs and initiatives.

And then, let’s talk about TEDxArendal!

TEDxArendal – Locally organized by us

TEDxArendal originates in the “Kunnskapshavna” coworking space for tech companies, with Arendal Municipality as the spearhead. It was organized for the first time in 2013 and is now carried out annually on the first Friday in November. 

Since 2013, the event has grown thanks to a unique commitment of fantastic volunteers and partners. In recent years, there has been a 12-hour surprise package where the public is served new ideas during an inspiring and entertaining day. The day is topped off with creative features that engage all the senses – and much of the city centre.

The fact that this is an English-language event makes Arendal attractive as a host. There are many English speakers who are both participants and who volunteer in the organizing of the event. Arendal municipality’s business department is a big partner and sees the value in this evet for the whole region.

TEDx is about spreading good ideas. We aim to bring the world to Arendal and Agder, and not just Arendal to the world. The audience varies from folk high school students to senior managers, and the breadth of topics provides a different experience to other conferences.

Because words don’t have to remain just words. Words can turn into action. Ideas spread. And new insights are communicated in an engaging way. About topics you didn’t even know you wanted to gain insight into.

Read more about TEDxArendal here

TEDxArendal har sitt opphav og utspring i Sørlandet Kunnskapshavn og vekstmiljøet for kunnskapsbedrifter, med Arendal Kommune som spydspiss. Siden har arrangementet vokst takket være et unikt engasjement av fantastiske frivillige, sponsorer og samarbeidspartnere. Det ble arrangert første gang i 2013 og gjennomføres nå årlig, første fredag i november. De siste årene har det vært et 12-timers forundringspakke der publikum får servert nye ideer i løpet av en inspirerende og underholdende dag. Dagen toppes med kreative innslag som tar alle sanser – og gjerne hele byen – i bruk.

Alle foredrag er på engelsk, fordi de blir spilt inn og publisert på TEDs YouTube-kanal i etterkant. At dette er et engelskspråklig arrangement gir også Arendal vertskapsattraktivitet. Det er mange engelsktalende som både er deltagere og frivillig med og arrangerer det, og Arendal kommunes næringsavdeling – som innehar lisensavtalen med TED – ser verdien i dette for regionen.

TEDx handler om å spre de gode ideene. Vi skal bringe verden til Arendal og Agder, og ikke bare Arendal ut i verden. Publikum varierer fra folkehøyskoleelever til toppledere, og bredden i temaene gir en annen opplevelse enn andre konferanser.

For ord trenger ikke kun forbli ord. Ord kan bli til handling. Ideer spres. Og ny innsikt blir formidlet på en engasjerende måte. Om temaer du ikke visste du ville få innsikt i.

Les mer om TEDxArendal i en engelsk artikkel her.

See our pictures on flickr

We have collected pictures from every year. Visit our albums on flickr to check them out.

Meet our management

The members of our Crew are our pride and joy – however, knowing who runs this event and it’s key-roles is important too. Meet our management!

Linn Juul-Petersen

Erik Bøylestad Nilsen

Our Executive Committee

Our executive commitee includes our management and our principal partners. Together they function as TEDxArendals board of directors. 

Arne Martin Larsen

Didrik Rannekleiv

Tone Nævestad

Geir Andrew

Andrea-Sofie Berli

Robert C. Nordli

Jeanne Mette Goderstad

Anne Cathrine Haugland

Our Program Committee

The TEDxArendal program committee selects this year’s “ideas worth spreading” by carefully narrowing down a list of candidates.

Parvaneh Sarshar

Christine Mes

Jon Ensor

Alf Lim

Kristin Blakstad

Alireza Borhani

Our Concept Team

TEDxArendal is a “noon till midnight experience” and the people below are the miracle workers who tie the guest experience together from start till finish

Rita Nes Bulien

Klaartje Luiten

Hennie Nilsen

Karina Culley

Dag Tynes

Daria Piterenko

Lucía Sosa Dalmaud

Birgit Fostervold

Tove Hardaway

Franka Fleckenstein

Grete Skindlo

Geir-Harald Hansen

Our presenters

Our presenters string together the event, introducing speakers and relaying information during TEDxArendal. 

Simon Cole

Karianne Warren

Danait Haile

Photos by Mona Hauglid

All of the portraits on this page were taken by the one and only Mona Hauglid – one of our event photographers and a TEDxArendal Concept Partner.