Sissel Rogne – 2014

Many women are pushing the boundaries of fertility because, in our new modern lives, we might put careers first – or the traditional family has changed. How has science come around to help fertility issues, and how old can women be and still conceive children with modern biotechnology? Sissel talks about the freezing of eggs […]

Alexander Medin – 2014

Alexander Medin has been a yoga instructor for 17 years. In 2012, he started yoga exercises for prisoners and later for drug addicts. Alexander used to be a boxer, and “Back in the ring” is a symbol of the classic boxer making a comeback – something which requires effort and strength. It also symbolize returning […]

Silje Endresen Reme – 2014

Norway is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but it has the highest sick absences in Europe. The statistics show that most sick leaves are due to muscle- and skeleton affliction and mild mental suffering. Silje has researched what actions can help them return to work and offers a solution to a much-debated […]

Pål Brekke – 2014

History was written at the time of this talk (August 2014) when, for the first time in the history of humanity, a man-made object “met up with” a comet deep into space. After ten years of travel to its destination, the satellite would launch a small probe that would land on this comet and do […]

Adam von Haffner – 2014

Adam argues that design and invention usually solve a problem – but not all design changes the world. In this short talk, he will share some of the best design cases that can make a substantial actual difference on a global scale. Challenges on a small and large scale, like waste management, climate change and […]

Tomm Kristiansen – 2014

When the country of “South Sudan” came about, the government wanted to install a modern democracy to build on. But how do you create a new ruling system in a country that has experienced it and where people are not intimately familiar with it? Tomm found himself in the strange situation as the only person […]

Asbjørn Rachlew – 2014

It was sheer luck that led to an innocent man facing a jail sentence for murder to go free. Another man admitted to the crime, but before that, the innocent person had spent six months isolated, interrogated and had become broken down and suicidal. Later – after the incident – Asbjørn suggested a meeting between […]

Tor Inge Garvik – 2014

Tor Inge leads an ambitious development team focusing on global health and innovation. The non-profit company Laerdal Global Health’s goal is to help save the lives of hundreds of thousands of newborns and mothers every year. Working within solid global partnerships, they have made solutions available that dramatically improve survival on the day of birth. […]

John Matherly – 2014

We live in a world that is ever more interconnected. Your light bulb can be smart. An app can control the lock on your door. Your car has wireless systems. But how are we opening up to a new kind of problem when a mass of small computers go online – all connected – without […]

Thomas Hellum – 2014

Is it possible that there is a better recipe for entertainment than fast-paced TV, quick editing, and reality shows that are filled with staged drama? What if you took it to the other extreme? In this talk, Hellum tells the history of slow TV, from a courageous decision to air an unedited train ride where […]